Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hong Kong is officially the world's leading wine market

For Shame.

China,the red viper of pseudo communism, has taken hold of it's most precious prey: the world's wine market.

This is the most terrifying news I've received since learning that the Republicans allowed a second god damned Mormon to run for president. I've said it before and I'll say it now: the only thing worse than the inane puritan gobbledygook of Mormonism is the repulsive hypocrisy of a wine collecting communist!

And yet, The city has become so attractive as a wine auction center that (the clearly inept and delusional) chef Ferran Adria has chosen to sell the 8,807 bottle cellar from the now-defunct El Bulli restaurant here and in New York. Unheard of less than a year ago, where New York would have hosted the entire collection.

In January of 2013 the cellar of the coward Andrew Lloyd Webber, composer of “The Phantom of the Opera” and “Cats,” was auctioned off in 748 lots. It included two cases of Château Cheval Blanc 1982, each case valued at HK$95,000 to HK$160,000, and two magnums of Romanée Conti 1990, Domaine de la Romanée Conti, estimated at HK$160,000 to HK$240,000 each.
*you can view his interview with Sotheby's who hosted the auction- on youtube here:

 And this shameful china mongering prompted the ususally level headed Food and Wine to posit: "Will Hong Kong Drink Up All Our Wine?" It was an irrepresible thought piece that raised more than a few eyebrows.

The fears are real, and the world's elite seem to "drinking the cool aid" more than imbibing on thier own god dammned wines. Call me old fashioned- but I'm from a time when people collected wine to actually drink it- not sell it to the single greatest threat to our beloved country.
Forget Snowden, I say we go after Webber, and with everything we have. The bastard.

 More to come on my revenge on RED CHINA... Chin- Chin.

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