Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Giving Thanks: What The Pilgrims Pressed

If you can get your hands on a bottle of pilgrim wine- well, not only are you a certified billionaire, but you are also among the luckiest men to ever live. Sealed within every bottle is the daring, heartiness and sheer reserve of our country's forefathers

Of course, the pilgrims lived brutally harsh and unforgiving lives. Every sort of motherfuckery befell these brave fools-  not to mention: tuberculosis, pneumonia, delirium, whooping cough or any of the thousands of diseases that ravaged these early settlers. “To live” as John Baymunth, governor of the fist colony wrote “is to lay in the hands of vile demon, molested.”

But there was a bright side to all the madness: pilgrim “Jim- Jum-” America’s 1st wine. Jim Jum is bastardization of the Indian word Jimmaquam or "grape water." And the name isn’t the only thing that makes these wines special.

Jim Jum wines are so unique because they were made from a wholly new production philosophy in the vineyards. Employing high density planting and low yields, the flavor and bouquet of these early wines was extremely intense but also absolutely delicious. Of course, this was unintentional- the pilgrims planted tight crops not to aid in flavor but to protect them from roaming savages.
But make no mistake one sip of this nectar will savage you!

The above bottle of Jim Jum was auctioned at Sothebee's for a whopping $45.7 million Euros to Duke Edmund Eidlesswiess. Worth every "scent."

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